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Affiliate Partners: Essex County Youth Soccer and Mass Youth Soccer

Lynn Youth Soccer

League By Laws


The official name of this Organization under the provisions of its bylaws shall be referred to as:  LYNN YOUTH SOCCER


The objective of this Organization is to provide a Governing Body to supply soccer instruction for children (ages 5-19) living in the city of Lynn: plan, schedule and formulate a soccer league categorized for ages 5-19, provide necessary leadership, coaching and assistance in promoting a program that will benefit the children of Lynn. The purpose is to promote the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, integrity and respect, and to enhance the game of soccer for the youth of the city of Lynn. Any player who moves from Lynn during the season is eligible to complete the registration year, and any Board Member who moves from the city has the option to enroll his/her children in the program for the duration of his/her term.


The structure of this organization shall be non-profit, incorporated Organization, with the intent to use all fund raising or private donations to outfit and supply necessary equipment, services and facilities to LYNN YOUTH SOCCER.


Section 1

The Officers and directors of LYNN YOUTH SOCCER shall be concerned persons whose primary intent is to provide honesty, integrity and dedication to the youth of Lynn, through the formation and maintenance of a youth soccer program.

Section 2

The Officers of this Organization shall consist of a President, Vice President/ Director of Intramural Programs, Vice President/ Director of Traveling Programs, Treasurer and Secretary. The Officers and a Board of Directors consisting of a Registrar, Assistant Registrar, Director of Grants & Fundraising, Director of Facilities, Assistant Director of Facilities, Director of Concession Operations, Assistant Director of Concession Operations, Director of Equipment, Assistant Director’s of Intramural Programs: U-12 Director/Intramural, U-10 Director /Intramural, U-8 Director/Intramural, U-6 Director/Intramural, Assistant Director of Traveling – Girls Division, Assistant Director of Traveling -Boys Division, Director of Coach and Player Development and Volunteer Coordinator, shall be the Governing Body of LYNN YOUTH SOCCER.

Section 3

Duties of the Governing Body are as follows: President: shall be its authorized leader and spokesperson, and shall preside at all meetings of this Organization, shall appoint membership to all committees, and shall instruct, direct, or assign additional concerns or responsibilities not specifically identified within these Bylaws, to be addressed by the Executive Committee, and /or the members of the Governing Body.

Vice President/Director of Intramural Programs:

will assist the President, and in his absence preside at all meetings and be in charge of all matters related to the Intramural Programs, and shall instruct, direct, or assign additional Intramural concerns or responsibilities not specifically identified within these Bylaws, to be addressed by the Assistant Director of Intramural Programs, U-12 Director, U-10 Director, U-8 Director and /or U-6 Director.

Vice President/Director of Traveling Programs:

will assist the President, and in his absence preside at all meeting. Shall be in charge of all matters related to the Traveling programs, and shall instruct, direct, or assign additional Traveling concerns or responsibilities not specifically identified within these Bylaws, to be addressed by the Assistant Directors of Traveling Programs, and shall represent LYNN YOUTH SOCCER at all ECYSA Board meetings and report all findings and relevant information to the Governing Body.


shall be in charge of all funds of the Organization and place monies in such banks as may be approved by the Governing Body. Such funds shall be withdrawn only by check, signed by the Treasurer or another designated member approved by the Board of Directors for such payment of bills that have been accrued and approved by the Governing Body. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all transactions made and render a detailed report to the Governing Body. The Treasurer will be responsible for organizing the fundraising events with approval of the Governing Body.


Shall record the minutes of each meeting, keep accurate records of all proceedings of the meetings, conduct organizational correspondence, and notify all members of the Governing Body of special meetings; shall provide and schedule agenda of meetings with coordination of the President. Shall function as the public relations department of LYNN YOUTH SOCCER and be responsible for publicizing and promoting LYNN YOUTH SOCCER, organizing public relations events, distribution of all LYS informational notices, acquiring sponsors as approved by the Governing Body, and may coordinate and distribute a LYS newsletter during each Intramural Spring and Fall season.


shall be responsible for player registration and rule on eligibility of players and age groups; be responsible for the collection of all registration fees and turning same over to the Treasurer; maintain accurate records subject to audit by the Governing Body; and maintain records in accordance with MYSA and ECYSA. The Registrar shall be responsible for the LYNN YOUTH SOCCER registration database. Assistant Registrar: shall assist the Registrar as directed, with matters relating to player registration for LYNN YOUTH SOCCER. This registrar shall be responsible for the Massachusetts State Registration (MYSA Forms) Director of Facilities: shall be responsible for upkeep and maintenance of fields and buildings with the approval of the Governing Body; shall be responsible for the layout of all fields for the traveling programs; and shall assist the Assistant Intramural Director in the inventory of equipment.

Director of Concession Operation:

shall be responsible for operating the concession stand at Holyoke playground and all other concessions approved by the Governing Body.

Director of Equipment:

shall be responsible for the inventory, storage, distribution and collection of all equipment, with the approval of the Executive Committee The Director of Equipment. will submit a full and complete inventory report to the Vice President/Director of Intramural Programs twice each year, within ten (10) days after the completion of both the Spring and Fall Seasons. The inventory report will account for all LYS equipment and possessions that are not related to the Concession Operations.

Assistant Director of Traveling Program – Girls Division:

shall represent the Vice President/Director of Traveling Programs in his/her absence, and will assist the Vice President/Director of Traveling Programs as directed, with matters related to the traveling programs. Responsibility, coordination, and organization of any girl LYS team that has been approved to participate in the ECYSA Traveling Program will reside with the Assistant Director of Traveling Programs. Assistant Director of Traveling Program – Boys Division: This Director shall represent the Vice President/Director of Traveling Programs in his/her absence, and will assist the Vice President/Director of Traveling Programs as directed, with matters related to the traveling programs. Responsibility, coordination, and organization of any boy LYS team that has been approved to participate in the ECYSA Traveling Program will reside with the Assistant Director of Traveling Programs. Assistant Director of Facilities: shall assist the Director of Facilities, as instructed, and be responsible for the layout of all fields for all Intramural programs.

Grants & Fundraising Director:

This director is designated as the responsible Lynn Youth Soccer representative for grants and fundraising. This person will develop and file all requests and follow up reporting on all grant and fundraising expenditures through coordination with the President. This Director will seek out new fundraising techniques and develop strategies to reach capital improvement goals to be determined by the board. Identify funding sources including corporate and private sponsorships and promote strong public relations to ensure a continued support of the league through Community Development youth assistance grants.

Director of Coach and Player Development:

This directorshall be responsible for the evaluation, training and support of coach and player development for Lynn Youth Soccer. This director will coordinate with the traveling. and intramural directors any clinics or training sessions needed by inside or outside sources to best educate and train the coaches and players of Lynn Youth Soccer.

U-12 Director/Intramural:

Under the guidance of the Vice President/Director of Intramural Programs, this person shall be responsible for assisting in the registration of players, formation of teams, procurement of coaches, creation of schedules, and the distribution of all related paperwork and equipment to coaches in a timely manner, prior to the start of the Intramural seasons. The U-12 Director/Intramural shall represent LYNN YOUTH SOCCER at the designated facility on a rotating basis, with the Officers and the Board of Directors of LYNN YOUTH SOCCER during their elected term.

U-10 Director/Intramural:

Under the guidance of the Vice President/Director of Intramural Programs, this person shall be responsible for assisting in the registration of players, formation of teams, procurement of coaches, creation of schedules, and the distribution of all related paperwork and equipment to coaches in a timely manner, prior to the start of the Intramural seasons. The U-10 Director/Intramural shall represent LYNN YOUTH SOCCER at the designated facility on a rotating basis, with the Officers and the Board of Directors of LYNN YOUTH SOCCER during their elected term.

U-8 Director/Intramural:

Under the guidance of the Vice President/Director of Intramural Programs, this person shall be responsible for assisting in the registration of players, formation of teams, procurement of coaches, creation of schedules, and the distribution of all related paperwork and equipment to coaches in a timely manner, prior to the start of the Intramural seasons. The U-8 Director/Intramural shall represent LYNN YOUTH SOCCER at the designated facility on a rotating basis, with the Officers and the Board of Directors of LYNN YOUTH SOCCER during their elected term.

U-6 Director/Intramural:

Under the guidance of the Vice President/Director of Intramural Programs, this person shall be responsible for assisting in the registration of players, formation of teams, procurement of coaches, creation of schedules, and the distribution of all related paperwork and equipment to coaches in a timely manner, prior to the start of the Intramural seasons. The U-6 Director/Intramural shall represent LYNN YOUTH SOCCER at the designated facility on a rotating basis, with the Officers and the Board of Directors of LYNN YOUTH SOCCER during their elected term.

Assistant Director of Concessions:

shall assist the Director of Concession Operations, as instructed, and be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the concession stand.

Volunteer Coordinator:

shall in coordination with the Registrar, Vice President/Director of Traveling, the Vice President/Director of Intramurals and Concession Director schedule and identify volunteer efforts in the manning of the Concession Stand, registration process, equipment organization and any other areas as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors of LYNN YOUTH SOCCER. All teams of both the Intramural and Traveling programs will be expected to participate in the volunteer effort.

Section 4

The Officers and Board of Directors may appoint as Associate Board members, without voting power, persons who might bring expertise to the Board that is necessary for the operation of the Board on an occasional basis, but not to such extent as to require a full Board position. If the President is unavailable or is unable to preside over a meeting, the Officers will determine whether the Vice President/Director of Intramural Programs or Vice President/Director of Traveling Programs will assume temporary responsibilities of the President.


Section 1

The length of term of office for Board members is two (2) years, with elections each year at the Annual General Meeting to fill any vacancies.

(A) Before being elected President, a person must have served on the present or past Board for at least one (1) year.

(B) Officers will be elected each November at the Annual General Meeting and will be installed at the regular Board meeting held in December.

(C) In the event of a vacancy on the Board, runners up at the previous election will be asked to join the LYS Board based on their order of finish. If the list is exhausted, the LYS Board may appoint a member to fill the vacant position. Candidates selected to the Board in either manner must run for re-election at the next general meeting.

Section 2

The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President/Director of Intramural Programs, Vice President/Director of Traveling Programs, Treasurer, and Secretary. They shall meet at the direction of the President whenever deemed necessary to tend to any business which requires immediate attention. Any action taken by the Executive Committee must be reported at the next regular monthly Board meeting.


All committees shall be appointed by the President, with the approval of the Governing Body.


Section 1

Regular meetings of this Organization will be held monthly; the time and place to be announced at the previous meeting. Any member of the Governing Body shall notify the Secretary of their absence within a reasonable amount of time prior to the meeting being held.

Section 2

Special meetings may be held at any time, with a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours notification, with the approval of the President.

Section 3

An Annual Meeting of this Organization will be held on the second Tuesday in November. . If that date is not possible, the Board shall set another date before the end of November and so notify the members.

Section 4

The purpose of the Annual General Meeting will be the election of officers of the Governing Body. A corporate meeting will be held at the regular monthly December meeting. The Governing Body shall be authorized by a two-thirds vote to call a special meeting of the entire Organization.


The fiscal year of this Organization shall begin on January 1 and end on December 31 of the same year.


The order of business at all meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.


A quorum shall be not less than 50% of the Governing Body.


Any person missing three (3) consecutive Board meetings or 50% of the Board meetings in a year will be dismissed from the Governing Body, at the discretion of the Governing Body.


Eligibility is open to any participant 18 years of age or older.


This being a non-profit Organization with no specific legal entity, the ownership of assets rests with the current membership. In the event of the dissolution of the Organization, all property and assets available after the settlement of all liability, shall be turned over to a charity or charities and other Lynn Youth Organizations which are exempt from tax under Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as determined by the Board of Directors, at the time of disillusionment.


Operating rules for LYNN YOUTH SOCCER will be formulated by the current Board of Directors and will be reviewed yearly. The operating rules will be preserved in written form.


Any proposed change or modification to the bylaws will be voted on by the sitting Board of Directors. Any bylaw modifications must be presented with 30 (thirty) days prior written notice and include the written modification with an explanation of reason. A proposal for a change or modification can come about in 1 of 2 ways:

1. A member of the sitting Board of Directors may propose a change or modification at any of the scheduled monthly Board meetings. A vote is to be taken and a decision rendered no later than the 3rd monthly meeting following the original proposal.

2. Any person attending the Annual General Meeting may propose a change or modification. The Board of Directors will take a vote and render a decision no later than the February monthly meeting. The Board will also communicate in writing to any interested person the result of the vote taken on a proposal offered at the Annual General Meeting. Copies of the current bylaws will be available at the Annual General Meeting

Contact Us

Lynn Youth Soccer

PO BOX 8028 
Lynn, Massachusetts 01904

Email Us: [email protected]
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